FACTOR 2.959
Journals Detail
Journal: Chemistry Education Research and Practice
Online ISSN: 1756-1108
Print ISSN: Not Provided
Publisher Name: Royal Society of Chemistry
Starting Year: 2020
Website URL:
Country: UK
Research Discipline Chemical Science
Frequency: Quarterly
Research Language: English
About Journal:
Chemistry is at the centre of everything you can see, smell, touch and taste. Whether studying the chemistry of life, or developing the advanced science behind modern technology, chemical scientists use their expertise to improve our health, our environment and our daily lives.
Collaboration is essential. We connect scientists with each other and society as a whole, so they can do their best work and make discoveries and innovation happen.
We publish new research. We develop, recognise and celebrate professional capabilities. We bring people together to spark new ideas and new partnerships. We support teachers to inspire future generations of scientists. And we speak up to influence the people making decisions that affect us all.
We are a catalyst for the chemistry that enriches our world.
Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP) is the journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners at all levels of chemistry education. It is published free of charge, electronically, four times a year; coverage includes the following.
Research, and reviews of research, in chemistry education
Evaluations of effective innovative practice in the teaching of chemistry
In-depth analyses of issues of direct relevance to chemistry education
The objectives of the journal follow:
To provide researchers with the means to publish their work in full in a journal exclusively dedicated to chemistry education
To offer teachers of chemistry at all levels a place where they can share effective ideas and methods for the teaching and learning of chemistry
Most importantly, to bridge the gap between the two groups so that researchers will have their results seen by those who could benefit from using them, and practitioners will gain from encountering the ideas and results of those who have made a particular study of the learning process