Become a Member

Membership lets you connect your content with a global network of online scholarly research members from over 140 countries.

Are you eligible?

You could be a research institution, a publisher, a government agency, a research funder, or a museum! To become a member, you must meet the criteria outlined in our membership terms approved by our governing board.

Membership in OAJIF is open to organizations that produce professional and scholarly materials and content. Essentially, if your content is likely to be cited in the scholarly ecosystem, then you are eligible to join. Please read the full membership terms before applying.

Please read the full membership terms before applying.

  • There are two types of membership: General Membership and Life Membership.
  • The OAJIF governing body is formed with the participation of OAJIF life members.
  • General members will be eligible to provide consent during the formation of the OAJIF governing body.
  • Once you become a member, you will receive an official membership certificate.
  • Additionally, one of your published journals will be added to our database free of charge if it meets our indexing criteria.

How much does membership cost?

  • All general members will make  USD 100 payment for getting membership certificates, and it will need to renew  every three years.
  • All life members will make a one-time payment of USD 500  to get the life membership certificates.
  • We have allocated this modest amount to support new publishers from underdeveloped countries, recognizing that costs and technical capabilities can be potential barriers to participation. We provide specific options to empower smaller publishers to engage with OAJIF and contribute to the global research sector.
  • Please note that the terms and conditions are subject to partial or full changes by the decisions of the executive board.
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